Blue Monday

Blue Monday never came
Blue Monday never came
Not because blue Monday should have been blue Tuesday
But because your Mondays have been tinted yellow for a long time

Not bright nor neon yellow
But the soft pastel shade of buttercups
That slowly warms each inch of your flesh
Like the first and final sunrise within the polar circle

Blue Monday never came
Not because of caution or careful planning
But because that tension in your stomach
That heat in your chest
The knot occupying your throat
When threatening to empty your lungs into each passing innocent’s ear
Had taken root long before today
Their vines and branches guarding your heart so tightly

Blue Monday never came
Not because you’d banished blue from your palette
But because your pores have started oozing
Your soul and all you are
So long ago that by now
You can’t remember anymore
Where the music starts and your body ends
Whether the sky hadn’t always been your vessel

Blue Monday never came
And reality’s return did not gut you like a fish
Because the reality that you found
That you dreamt
That you built
Is blue
Is red
Is green
Is purple
Is orange
Is pink
Is gold
Is more than you ever knew to hope for

And you struggle to fall asleep
Like a child on Christmas eve
Every day


Image created with the assistance of Lexica




And suddenly